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Shhhh … Don’t Say A Word About This! Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion!”

This book deals with the entire range of sex issues as well as those that are taboo which many churches choose not to address.  It is an exposé on the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, describing in detail what the Bible says about sex. What are covered are subjects that adults and youth discuss outside the church without the aid of ministerial interpretation.

The book closely focuses on the behavior of victim and perpetrator.  It gives sound recommendation for healing and deliverance and provides avenues for escape from the ravishment of sexual perversion.  It creates an incredible avenue for ministers to begin dialogue with parishioners once they have read the book.

Benefits of this book are seen in the healthy way individuals, whether victim, non-victim or perpetrator, change their lives after reading the book.  Readers of the book benefit by the way they change, with direct openness, their approach to sexual issues. The book causes those who have read it to question their behavior, to realize how we are accountable to each other about one of the most basic of subjects––sex.


Many have read this book and discovered how to change their behavior and bring it in alignment with the keys shared in this book. You do not have to stay trapped in sexual perversion if you desire to change. Change in order for it to be lasting must come from the inside out and you have the right and privilege to learn how to remove the shame, guilt, and embarrassment from the things of your past by learning and executing concepts in the book.


“TEDDY BEAR: Stolen Innocence”

This book presents detailed information about my life as a black child growing up in Southern California in a home where my father a Pentecostal Pastor and my brother who later became a Pentecostal Pastor, molested and raped me while my mother worked three jobs to provide for our necessities.


The story continues my journey from being a molested and raped young boy to becoming a promiscuous young man who lived in the fast lane of sexual perversion with a wife and knowing the Lord.

The book continues by presenting various stories of young black men sexually abused, molested, incest and raped telling their horrific experienced at the hands of various fathers, brothers and other siblings.

The book concludes with chapters dealing with “The State of Sexuality in Black America,” “When Sexually Transmitted Diseases Impact the Family Due to Incest and Molestation,” and an “Open Letter to My Brothers.” 


“Azusa Street Revival – Will it happen again?”

This mini-book will look at aspects of the great Azusa Street Revival through my eyes (a young boy) as I saw these precious souls who were saved at the revival and I believe that a great New Azusa Street-type revival is on the way.


What if Your Mommy was the Devil?

This book is a representation of many thoughts and experiences felt by Arjeana Due and her siblings when they were growing up in a single parent home in Phoenix and Denver.

It may seem a little harsh but this is the reality they were dealt from their mother! Some parents are warm and fuzzy and others are like walking on course sand paper.

We understand that some mothers had a hard life and this extended to their children and how they raised them. Our mom had problems and she did not have the love of her parents or anyone to really help her.


Masterbation Liberation

You are about to embark on a journey that will mix history, fantasy, truth, reality and other states of being including taking a look at what most Christians believe to be God’s word sent to us in the form of the Bible. Be prepared to have some of the ideas you personally have challenged and others confirmed. This is what it is — raw information about a subject everyone does not want to talk about. Although there are hundreds of books written on the subject of solo performance, when is the last time you read one and passed it on to a friend? This one you will.


It's Time:

One Man's Journey from Abuse to Finding God's Love

When Loren found out that God loved him, he realized he had nothing to be ashamed of because the love of the Father in Heaven surpassed the love of his earthly father. This made a big difference to him. Maybe the misunderstanding of seeking the big brother or father figure he needed caused him to internalize his doubts about his manhood, but divine order allowed him to see that the father he long sought was always waiting in Jesus Christ. 

This book contains guidance for those affected by the lingering pain from abuse that has engulfed them for years. Healing is real. As you learn to forgive yourself and others, you will see firsthand that forgiveness gives you power over your abuser.

This book written as a vessel of deliverance for the many, who like Loren Due, have kept a family secret locked deep inside for most of their lives. As you read this book, prepare to receive love, deliverance and guidance. There is help; you just need to determine which direction best suits you.

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