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What is Prophetic Counseling?

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Prophetic Counseling may not be what you think it is. There are a lot of talented and gifted people on the planet, but all those talented and gifted people may not have the caring sense and compassion from the Lord to articulate your situation in a private counseling session. One thing that is most important in any private counseling session is that the content of the session is private and available to the counselee for review and action. In all the many years of Prophetic Counseling work one thing we have learned and practiced is the sacredness of confidence and privacy.

We have observed too many professionals, ministers and others who have been in meetings and other gatherings where they shared confidential conversations to the point you could figure out who they were talking about. When we visit with counselees, we hear the complaint about the lack of confidentiality in the industry. We made it one of our goals to remain confidential for all clients and family to ensure high integrity.

We share with our counselees right out the gate that we are not psychologists or psychiatrists or MSW but are gifted by God to use our prophetic gifts to minister to the counselee whatever we hear from the Lord concerning them about the past, present or the future. It is important for the counselee to know that we are not “here” to judge or bash them, but rather to edify and build them up in the most Holy Faith. We encourage and speak the word put in our mouth from the Lord. We endeavor when we have an opinion to tell the counselee this is what we believe.

It is critical for you to know that these conversations are transacted via the telephone and internet lines which are locked and closed for security and privacy once all parties are present. The recorded conversations are released after the conversation is complete should the counselee committed to provide an offering at the close of the conversation. If the counselee provides their offering before the conversation the recording is sent to them as soon as possible. So many do not understand that the practice of blessing the men and women of God started in the old testament with the Prophets and Seers.

It is important to share the art of giving to men and women because so many are not taught in their congregations and synagogue the importance and the necessity to be a blessing to the minister. The new testament states it like this in Deuteronomy 25:4 (KJV) 4 Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. Also in 1 Corinthians 9:9 (KJV) 9. For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? And Finally, in 1 Timothy 5:18 (KJV) 18 For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And the laborer is worthy of his reward.

This is obviously important to God to ensure his servants receive the natural to take care of their obligations and not be a burden on society and congregation. As we sought him on what would be a starting point to give, it came in our spirit to use $100.00 as a minimum offering. Some individuals who know the standard of payment for counselors give considerably more based on their knowledge and appreciation of godly counsel. The reason I spend so much time here is because there are those who do not believe we should be given an offering for the work we do, but God does. It does not hurt us when someone disagrees with the Word of God; it is their loss not ours.

Let us talk about what goes into Prophetic Counseling for us, what we must do continually. We must continue to fast as often as we are physically able, study God’s word, be sensitive to the anointing and pray without ceasing. We rely on our relationship with the Holy Spirit to speak or show us what is needed at the time of the conversation. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirt who is so gentle and loving. The compassion of God is beyond explanation for me – we just receive it and enjoy the simplicity of God’s truth. It is so wonderful to experience His compassion that fails not and is new each morning. We continue in offering our bodies living sacrifices daily before the Lord so that we minister as open vessels before the Lord.

The counselee must know that King Solomon said it this way: Isaiah 46:10 (KJV) 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: This word from the Lord in Isiah 46:10 is what we believe and practice. The answer or you may say the solution comes from the Lord when you are willing to surrender your way and your solution; people must yield to the Holy Spirit and to the earthly guidance of our prophetic team as we clearly hear the Lord.

The actual process of Prophetic counseling with us initially takes up to one hour which is recorded so the counselee may focus on the conversation rather than trying to take copious notes. The structure of the conversation provides free form, but counselees who have many questions should write them out and submit them before the session if they like so we may mediate on them ahead of the conversation. The counselee may call us from the comfort of their home on the telephone where they are connected to a secure line. If the counselee or us senses a need for more sessions mutual time is set aside in the future to complete those sessions.

The counselee is scheduled for a conversation after they have gone to our website set up to receive online giving. The counselee has a choice of either PayPal or Givelify to make the donation. Once we are alerted that a donation is made then the counselee is sent a link that invites them to the session with the appropriate time in their respective time zone and one number to call. This is accomplished when the counselee uses the instructions found on our website:

We believe that many more of life’s challenges could be better understood if individuals would seek counsel instead of shutting down communication. King Solomon says it this way: Proverbs 11:14 (KJV) 14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. We encourage you to consider Prophetic Counseling as the first step in resolving conflict where two or more parties are involved. Because with us you have the assurance of privacy and confidentiality.


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